About the mUslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
Founded in 1988, MPAC is a national public affairs nonprofit organization working to promote and strengthen American pluralism by increasing understanding and improving policies that impact American Muslims. Over the past 30 years, MPAC has built a reputation of being a dynamic and trusted American Muslim voice for policymakers, opinion shapers, and community organizers across the country.
Our staff, based in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, are experts in designing and executing innovative and effective legislative, strategic messaging and issue advocacy campaigns. We leverage our relationships with legislators, government agencies, executive departments, and thought leaders to improve policies on national security, civil liberties, immigration, public safety, and religious freedom for all Americans. We also provide media analysis and messaging strategies to reporters and media professionals to inform public opinion and advise the entertainment industry on creating more humanizing and nuanced portrayals of Muslims and Islam. Equally important, we build alliances and coalitions with diverse communities to encourage active citizenship.
We thrive in the rapidly changing world of high-stakes policy and high-profile advocacy where strategic planning is critical, speed and messaging are essential, and thorough analysis is imperative. We do all these things to enrich American society and to exemplify the core American and Islamic values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all.